Spilleth The tea

The objective of creating a tea app product to cater to the population who enjoys drinking tea. This tea app solves the problem of steeping the tea properly for the most nutrients, make specialty teas using our recipe box, learn about the properties of tea with the tea encyclopedia, and a future shopping feature.

Spilleth the tea app

Personal | Design challenge | Educational

UI/UX Designer | Research
Tara Clevenstine

The issue I found while researching other tea apps on the market was the limited features. Many have a steeping and shopping features. Others do not have benefits nor offer tea recipes. The tea encyclopedia and a recipe box are going set my product apart.


  • Users want a tea app that offers a wide variety of tea options.

  • Convenience is important with features like easy ordering and delivery options.

  • Personalization is key, allowing users to customize their tea preferences.

    Adding a steeping timer, Barista style tea recipes, & a tea dictionary.


  • Who are your users?

  • What motivates them to use your product?

  • What will their first experience of the product be like?

  • What will they gain from using your product?

I brainstormed various ideas that could benefit a tea app drinker. Thinking about the goals of a tea drinker and the experiences they wish to have on an app.

I also listed all of the questions to consider when researching the market and potential customers.


The purpose of the research was to ensure this was a product people, specifically tea drinkers, would want on the market. There is not many tea apps in the United States from research, but many coffee apps. During research I was amazed at the amount of tea drinkers in the US. This product will be used in other countries, but I wanted to check the need in the US before pursuing the endeavor.

The first and second participants wanted a tea app that gives benefits of specific types of tea, e.g. Nettle tea is used as a natural pain reliever.


I surveyed tea drinkers to get a understanding of what would interest them with a tea app. What features would pique their interest in downloading a tea app and keep it on their device?

Participant One

Several like Participant One was the health properties of tea whether it’s a health restriction or just the benefits of tea drinking. Some participants want to become more holistic in their approach to life.

Main reason for tea: health properties or because of restrictions on caffeine

Participant Two

Other participants like Participant Two wanted a Barista-like feature to make specialty teas, while saving money going to coffee shops or coffee chains. One desired these recipes but was concerned about caffeine because of the effects it has on neurodivergence people.


The login screens to both gather new and existing users. After logging in the existing user will have to login to access the icon menu to the reach the features: the login, timer, recipe box, and encyclopedia.

mocks of the login sequence for the tea app

Login to app

  • The user flow here was not exact because I didn’t realize all of the steps it takes to login or to create an account.

  • Realizing the need for better login windows, I revised the mocks so it’s more user-centric. The one to the right was too generic. I added Apple and Google login buttons to give user’s an option to how they wish to sign in.

Tea timer feature

mocks showing the screen steps of the tea timer

The Tea Timer is a feature to properly steep the tea for the user. I also would this feature to save those previous times.

The Tea Encyclopedia will have the proper
tea steeping times, according to they type. Some Herbal Teas require a full five minutes to get the nutrients and beneficial properties of that tea.

Tea Timer will need to be tested with a user
to ensure it being user friendly. E.g. Scrolling timers are irritating to scroll to the number
you want.

mock of the tea encyclopedia showing the benefits, etc.

Tea Encyclopedia

  • The user here can choose a specific tea i.e. Earl Gray and look at the history, benefits, and how to make a cup of tea.

  • This is only a sample of the layout ideas. I have several scrolling menus to test with users to gauge the usability and desirability to the screen.

  • A search bar allows a user to get to where they want to fast without scrolling. This will ease the task of finding a tea.


After testing the lo-fidelity mocks, I realized that the flow didn’t make sense nor is the app giving people other ways to sign up for or create an account. To make it more convenient for the user, I added Apple and Google logins.


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